My future job

I am a journalism student, this is my second year at Universidad de Chile. I am from Antofagasta, and I decided to live in Santiago, fortunately to me my sister lives in Santiago since 2015 and she has been a great support to me in these days.

I hope to finish this career and start to work, I know that I won’t work in the mass media that I would like in the beginning, but I must make a lot of effort to get it. I would like to work on radio, TV or writing. Currently, I write in Sentimiento Popular, this is a mass media about Club Social y Deportivo Colo-Colo and I have improved my writing a lot. 

I would like to work on radio but doing sports newsletters or talking about sports in a talk show. On TV I would like to do something similar, work in a talk show about sports or work on the news. My biggest dream that I wish very much is travel around the world thanks to my job like journalist. 


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